List of Publications in the year 2025
1. George Sofia, Chelliah Koventhan, Sellappa Kanmani, An-Ya Lo (2025), “Green synthesized rGO/TiO2/g-C3N4 nanocomposites via Plectranthus amboinicus extract for efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue: RSM optimization, antimicrobial and phytotoxicity assessment”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, PG 1-17,Vol:13 , 2025.
2. George Sofia, Chelliah Koventhan, Sellappa Kanmani, An-Ya Lo (2025), "Green synthesized rGO/TiO2/g-C3N4 nanocomposites via Plectranthus amboinicus extract for efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue: RSM optimization, antimicrobial and phytotoxicity assessment", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, PG 1-17,Vol:13 , 2025
List of Publications in the year 2024
1. Saranya Kuppusamy, S.Kanmani Sellappa (2024), “ Bioearth recovered from landfll mining of old dumpsites: a potential resource or reservoir of toxic pollutants, Environmental Science and Pollution Research Pg1-20, 2024.
2. S. Kanmani, Priyadharshini, Nizzy.A.M (2024), “Biohydrogen Production from Domestic Wastewater under Dark Fermentation using Nano catalyst”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research
3. J. Prasanya, S. Kanmani, P. Senthil Kumar (2024), “A review of the wetland’s restoration mechanisms and its economic and social Benefits”, Water Practice and Technology,Pg 4355-4357,vol:19.
4. Keerthana Rani Minnalkodi Senguttuvan, Kanmani Sellappa and Saranya Kuppusamy (2024), “Performance Evaluation of the Electro-Fenton Process for Distillery Wastewater Treatment”, Sustainability, Pg.1 to 23.
5. Albert Mariathankam, Nizzy,Suruli Kannan & Sellappa Kanmani (2024), “Utilization of plantderived wastes as the potential biohydrogen source: a sustainable strategy for waste management”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol:31, Pg: 34839–34858, 2024
6. Saranya Kuppusamy, S.Kanmani Sellappa (2024), "Bioearth recovered from landfll mining of old dumpsites: a potential resource or reservoir of toxic pollutants", Environmental Science and Pollution Research Pg1-20, 2024.
7. S. Kanmani, Priyadharshini, Nizzy.A.M(2024), "Biohydrogen Production from Domestic Wastewater under Dark Fermentation using Nano catalyst", Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
8. J. Prasanya, S. Kanmani, P. Senthil Kumar(2024), "A review of the wetland’s restoration mechanisms and its economic and social
benefits", Water Practice and Technology,Pg 4355-4357,vol:19.
9. Keerthana Rani Minnalkodi Senguttuvan, Kanmani Sellappa and Saranya Kuppusamy (2024), "Performance Evaluation of the Electro-Fenton Process for Distillery Wastewater Treatment Sustainability}, Pg.1 to 23.
10. Albert Mariathankam Nizzy,Suruli Kannan &
Sellappa Kanmani (2024), "Utilization of plantderived wastes
as the potential biohydrogen source: a sustainable strategy for waste management", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol:31
Pg: 34839–34858, 2024.
List of Publications in the year 2023
1. P. Ganesh Kumar,S.Kanmani,P. Senthil Kumar and Kowsalya Vellingiri,2023. Efficacy of simultaneous advanced oxidation and adsorption for treating municipal wastewater for indirect potable reuse,Chemosphere,321,pp:1-9
2. Kowsalya Vellingiri,P. Ganesh Kumar,P. Senthil Kumar,S. Jagannathan,S. Kanmani,2023. Status of Disinfection Byproducts research in India,Chemosphere,330,pp:1-9
3. Kaviya Piriyah Sundar, Kanmani Sellappa, Mahalakshmi Nainangkuppam Venkatesan,2023. The study on the effect of hydrodynamic fowl on the photocatalytic performance of photocatalytic reactors,Environmental Science and Pollution Research
4. S. Kanmani, 2023. Efficient Removal of Perfluorooctonic Acid by UV-based Peroxide/Persulfate Advanced Oxidation Process,ASCE's Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste
5. Kumar, R.S., Sheela, A.M. 2023. Microplastics Alter Dehydrogenase, Urease, and Cellulase Activities in Soil, Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett.
6. Indumathi D and Merline Sheela A. 2023. Occurrence of Coliforms in Microplastic Associated Biofilm in Estuarine Ecosystem, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 3(2): 547 – 55
7. Merline Sheela A and Dhinagaran G. 2023. Prevalence of microplastics, antibiotic resistant genes and microplastic associated biofilms in estuary - A review, Environmental Engineering Research, 28(4): 220325
8. Shamala U and Merline Sheela A. 2023. Distribution of Microplastics and Their Effect on the Microalgae Population in the Inshore Waters of the Bay of Bengal, Thalassas, An International Journal of Marine Sciences
9. Saranya Kuppusamy, Kadiyala Venkateswarlu, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Kanmani Sellappa, Yong BokLee (2023), “Contamination of long-term manure-fertilized Indian paddysoils with veterinary antibiotics: Impact on bacterial communities and Antibiotics resistancegenes”, Applied Soil Ecology, Vol:192,Pg:105- 106,2023
10. S. Kanmani, AG Bharathi Dileepan (2023),” Treatment of land fill leachateusing photocatalytic based advanced oxidation process-a critical review, Journal of Environ Management., Vol:345:118794,2023
11. Rekha Shanmugam, Nalini Sirala Jagadeesh, Bhuvana Srinivasan, Kanmani S ,Vidhya Venugopal (2023), “A comprehensive review on hot ambient temperature and its impacts on adverse pregnancy outcomes”, Journal of Mother and Child, 27, pp.10-20,2023.
12. Saranya Kuppusamy, Kadiyala Venkateswarlu, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Kanmani Sellappa, Yong BokLee (2023), “Contamination of long-term manure-fertilized Indian paddy soils with veterinary antibiotics: Impact on bacterial communities and Antibiotics resistance genes”, Applied Soil Ecology, Vol:192, Pg:105- 106,2023.
13. S. Kanmani, AG Bharathi Dileepan (2023), “Treatment of land fill leachate using Photocatalytic based advanced oxidation process-a critical review”, J Environ Management.,
Vol:345:118794, 2023
14. RekhaShanmugam, Nalini Sirala Jagadeesh, Bhuvana Srinivasan, Kanmani S, Vidhya Venugopal (2023), “A comprehensive review on hot ambient temperature and its impacts on adverse pregnancy outcomes”, Journal of Mother and Child, 27, pp.10-20,2023.
List of Publications in the year 2022
1. Kanmani, S., 2022. Enhancement of biological hydrogen production from organic wastes with the application of nanomaterials. International Journal of Energy Research, pp. 1-18,
2. Sathya, J. and Kanmani, S., 2022. Synthesis and characterization of β-MnO2 nanoparticles for hydrogen production. Journal of Ovonic Research,National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics, 19, pp. 93-99.
3. Ganesh Kumar , P., Kanmani, S. and Senthil Kumar P., 2022 Treatability studies on the optimization of ozone and carbon dosages for the effective removal of contaminants from secondary treated effluent. Adsorption Science & Technology.
4. Ganesh Kumar , P., and Kanmani, S., 2022. Removal of persistent organic pollutants and disinfection of pathogens from secondary treated municipal wastewater using advanced oxidation processes. International Water Association, 86, 1944-1957.
5. Arivukkodi, G., and Kanmani, S., 2022. Acoustic noise emission in wind turbine: An overview. International Journal for Research in Applied Science& Engineering Technology, 10, pp. 1686-1697.
6. Arivukkodi, G., and Kanmani, S., 2022. Psycho-acoustic survey on wind turbine noise and its environmental impact. International Journal for Research in Applied Science& Engineering Technology, 10, pp. 975-984.
7. Kaviya Piriyah Sundar. and Kanmani, S., 2022. Comparative study on concentric cylindrical glass tube microreactor, UV-LED strip photocatalytic reactor and classical annular reactor on Acid Red 87 removal. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 250, pp.298-311.
8. Kunalan, S. and Palanivelu, K., 2022. Polymeric composite membranes in carbon dioxide capture process: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-33.
9. Aishwarya Lakshmi, A. and Amal Raj, S., 2022. Natural gum based polymers as additives in enhancing the startup of UASB reactor treating municipal sewage-comparative study. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 252, pp.89-97.
10. Arivalagan, A.L. and Amal Raj, S., 2022. Performance evaluation of a novel upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor with built-in downflow hanging sponge module for the treatment of municipal sewage. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-13.
11. Rani, C.N. and Karthikeyan, S., 2022. Ultrafiltration Integrated Photocatalytic Treatment Systems for Water and Wastewater. In Industrial Wastewater Treatment (pp. 41-73). Springer, Cham.
12. Manimekalai, B., Arulmozhi, R., Krishnan, M.A. and Sivanesan, S., 2022. Consequence of COVID‐19 occurrences in wastewater with promising recognition and healing technologies: A review. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, p.e13937.
13. Sheela, A.M., Manimekalai, B. and Dhinagaran, G., 2022. Review on the distribution of microplastics in the oceans and its impacts: Need for modeling-based approach to investigate the transport and risk of microplastic pollution. Environmental Engineering Research, 27(4).
14. Bose, S., Kumar, P. S., Rangasamy, G., Prasannamedha, G. and Kanmani, S,2022. A review on the applicability of adsorption techniques for remediation of
recalcitrant pesticides, Chemosphere, 137481.
List of Publications in the year 2021
1. Sundar, K.P. and Kanmani, S., 2021. Studies on the development of a novel UV-LED strip photocatalytic reactor and performance on dye removal. Environment Protection Engineering, 47(2).
2. Raman, C.D., Kanmani, S. and Mkandawire, M., 2021. Facile one step green synthesis of iron nanoparticles using grape leaves extract: textile dye decolorization and wastewater treatment. Water Science and Technology, 83(9), pp.2242-2258.
3. Radha, M., Kanmani, S., Pushpa, T.B. and Praveen, S., 2021. Synthesis and characterization of MWCNT-supported iron phthalocyanine catalyst for the treatment of wastepaper recycling mill wastewater using microbial fuel cell. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, pp.1-13.
4. Sowndarya, S., Kanmani, S. and Raj, S.A., 2021. Disinfection of biologically treated sewage using AlGaN-based ultraviolet-C light-emitting diodes in a novel reactor system. Desalin. Water Treat, 212, pp.71-77.
5. Pauline, A.L. and Joseph, K., 2021. Hydrothermal carbonization of oily sludge for solid fuel recovery–investigation of chemical characteristics and combustion behaviour. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 157, p.105235.
6. Pauline, A.L. and Joseph, K., 2021. Hydrothermal carbonization of crude oil sludge–Characterization of hydrochar and hydrothermal liquor. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 154, pp.89-96.
7. Sinduja, B., Merline Sheela, A. and Ilamathi, R., 2021. Sunflower seed husk combined with poultry droppings to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons in crude oil-contaminated soil. Environmental Engineering Research, 26(5).
8. Rani, C.N. and Karthikeyan, S., 2021. Synergic effects on degradation of a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a UV slurry photocatalytic membrane reactor and its cost estimation. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 159, p.108179.
9. Rani, C.N. and Karthikeyan, S., 2021. Investigation of naphthalene removal from aqueous solutions in an integrated slurry photocatalytic membrane reactor: effect of operating parameters, identification of intermediates, and response surface approach. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 41(4), pp.805-824.
10. Vertical transport of PM2. 5 and PM10 and its source identification in the street canyons of Chennai metropolitan city, India
11. Giri, J.A., Karthikeyan, S. and Raj, M.G., 2021. Effect of ambient concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) on the in-vehicle concentration of carbon monoxide in Chennai, India. Environmental Engineering Research, 26(3).
12. Ezhilkumar, M.R., Karthikeyan, S., Aswini, A.R. and Hegde, P., 2021. Seasonal and vertical characteristics of particulate and elemental concentrations along diverse street canyons in South India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-2
13. Rani, C.N. and Karthikeyan, S., 2021. Investigation of naphthalene removal from aqueous solutions in an integrated slurry photocatalytic membrane reactor: effect of operating parameters, identification of intermediates, and response surface approach. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 41(4), pp.805-824.
14. Ramadass, K., Saranya Kuppusamy, Venkateswarlu, K., Naidu, R. and Megharaj, M., 2021. Unresolved complex mixtures of petroleum hydrocarbons in the environment: An overview of ecological effects and remediation approaches. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 51(23), pp.2872-2894.
15. Sundar, K.P. and Kanmani, S., 2021. Design and evaluation of zero-energy UVC-LED reactor fitted with hand pump system for disinfection. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua, 70(1), pp.77-88.
List of Publications in the year 2021
1. Vinoth Kumar, M. and Merline Sheela, A., 2020. Effect of plastic film mulching on the distribution of plastic residues in agricultural fields. Chemosphere, pp.128590-128590.
2. Ilamathi, R. and Merline Sheela, A., 2020. Performance analysis of microbial fuel cell operational parameters on reactive azo dye decolorization. Desalination and Water Treatment, 190, pp.312-321.
3. Gethsial, A., Merline Sheela, A. and Ilamathi, R., 2020. Fate of crude oil in soil treated with pseudomonas putida immobilized on coconut coirpith a lowcost biocarrier. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 29(7), pp.770-787.
4. Leena Pauline, A. and Kurian Joseph. 2020. Hydrothermal carbonization of organic wastes to carbonaceous solid fuel–A review of mechanisms and process parameters. Fuel, 279, p.118472.
5. Silambarasan, P. and Merline Sheela,.A., 2020. Microplastics distribution in freshwater lake and drinking water treatment plant: A case study. Indian Journal of Ecology, 47(4), pp.930-933.
6. Goutham, S.,Merline Sheela, A.,2020. Removal Of Petroleum Hydrocarbon From Soil And Water Aloe Vera Powder. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 40(7): 698 – 703.
7. Subi, S. and Merline Sheela, A., 2020. Review on termite mound soil characteristics and agricultural importance. J Agric Ecol Res Intl, 21(7), pp.1-12.
8. Merline Sheela, A., 2020. Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Treatment Options-Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) an Emerging Technology-Current Status and Future Prospects. Recent Advanced in Petrochemical Science, 7(1), pp.11-14.
9. Mathew, R.A. and Kanmani, S., 2020. A review on emerging contaminants in Indian waters and their treatment technologies. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 19(2), pp.549-562.
10. Sundar, K.P. and Kanmani, S., 2020. Progression of Photocatalytic reactors and it’s comparison: A Review. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 154, pp.135-150.
11. Odukkathil, G. and Vasudevan, N., 2020. Bacteria amended clay biochar composite biobed system to treat agriculture runoff. Journal of Environmental Management, 269, p.110694.
12. Illamathi, R., Merline Sheela, A. and Nagendra Gandhi, N. Comparative evaluation of Pseudomonas species in single chamber microbial fuel cell with manganese coated cathode for reactive azo dye removal. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation,144: 104744.
13. Sowndarya, Sampath and Kanmani, S. Visible light-driven photocatalysis for hydrogen production by water splitting. Energy sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects.42 (6): 719-729.
14. Kunalan, S., Palanivelu, K. CO2 Separation using α-Amine ceramic tube supported CTA-TBP Composite membrane. Greenhouse gas science & Technology,9(2): 287-305.
15. Mallavarapu, M., Saranya Kuppusamy, LEEe, Y.B., 2020. Biostimulation and bioaugmentation: Modern strategies for the successful bioremediation of contaminated environments. The handbook of environmental remediation: Classic and modern techniques, p.299.
16. Saranya Kuppusamy, Venkateswarlu, K. and Megharaj, M., 2020. Examining the polyphenol content, antioxidant activity and fatty acid composition of twenty-one different wastes of fruits, vegetables, oilseeds and beverages. SN Applied Sciences, 2(4), pp.1-13.
17. Sowndarya, S., Kanmani, S. and Raj, S.A., 2020. Treatment of high-strength sewage by textile fibers-based sequencing batch biofilm reactor for simultaneous removal of organics and nutrients. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 55(13), pp.1548-1562.
List of Publications in the year 2019
1. Jayshree, A. and Vasudevan, N., 2019. Bacterial enzyme based spectrophotometric determination of phthalate esters in drinking water stored in PET bottles. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13(3), pp.2190-2202.
2. Soundaranayaki, K. and Gandhimathi, R., 2019. Performance of various media in vertical flow constructed wetland for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 146, pp.57-67.
3. Kunalan, S. and Palanivelu, K. CO2 Separation using α-Amine ceramic tube supported CTA-TBP Composite membrane. Greenhouse gas science & Technology, 2019:9(2): 287-305.
4. Kavitha, and Kurian Joseph. Encapsulation and solidification of salt bearing evaporation residues. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering.
5. Raman, C.D. and Kanmani, S., 2019. Decolorization of mono azo dye and textile wastewater using nano iron particles. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 38(s1), pp.S366-S376.
6. Rani, C.N. and Karthikeyan, S., 2019. Investigation of phenanthrene degradation in a slurry photocatalytic membrane reactor: influence of operating variables and data validation. Desalination and Water Treatment, 145, pp.11-25.
7. Rajamanickam, N., Kanmani, S.S., Jayakumar, K. and Ramachandran, K., 2019. On the possibility of ferromagnetism and improved dye-sensitized solar cells efficiency in TiO2/ZnO core/shell nanostructures. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 378, pp.192-200.
8. Ramya, K. and Vasudevan, N., 2019. Performance evaluation of ETP from pesticide manufacturing industry by using WWQI and multivariate statistical analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(20), pp.20595-20609.
9. Kumar, D.S. and Kanmani, S., 2019. Photocatalytic degradation of reactive dyes and real textile composite wastewater using TiO2/MWCNT nanocomposite under UVA and UVA-LED irradiation. A comparative study. Environment Protection Engineering, 45(2).
10. Santhanam, H. and Amal Raj, S., 2019. Spatial and temporal analyses of salinity changes in Pulicat lagoon, a transitional ecosystem, during 1996–2015. Water Science, 33(1), pp.93-104.
List of Publications in the year 2018
1. Greeshma, O., Vasudevan, N. Assessment of Endosulfan and other pesticide Residues in Soil of Enmakaje Panchayat, Kasaragod, Kerala India. Indian Journal of Environmental Science, 2018, 22(2): pp.95-99.
2. Bharatvaj, J., Preethi, V. and Kanmani, S., 2018. Hydrogen production from sulphide wastewater using Ce3+–TiO2 photocatalysis. international journal of hydrogen energy, 43(8), pp.3935-3945.
3. Brindha, R.K. and Vasudevan, N., 2018. Methane oxidation capacity of methanotrophs isolated from different soil ecosystems. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 15(9), pp.1931-1940.
4. Madhumitha, A., Preethi, V. and Kanmani, S., 2018. Photocatalytic hydrogen production using TiO2 coated iron-oxide core shell particles. international journal of hydrogen energy, 43(8), pp.3946-3956.
5. Preethi, V. and Kanmani, S., 2018. Performance of nano photocatalysts for the recovery of hydrogen and sulphur from sulphide containing wastewater. international journal of hydrogen energy, 43(8), pp.3920-3934.
6. Sumathi, M. and Vasudevan, N., 2018. Removal of phosphate by Staphylococcus aureus under aerobic and alternating anaerobic–aerobic conditions. Environmental technology, 39(8), pp.1071-1080.
7. Rani, C.N. and Karthikeyan, S., 2018. Performance of an indigenous integrated slurry photocatalytic membrane reactor (PMR) on the removal of aqueous phenanthrene (PHE). Water Science and Technology, 77(11), pp.2642-2656
8. Rani, C.N. and Karthikeyan, S., 2018. Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous phenanthrene in a slurry photocatalytic reactor. Current Science, 115(9), pp.1732-1740..
9. Manonmani, U. and Joseph, K., 2018. Granulation of anammox microorganisms for autotrophic nitrogen removal from wastewater. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 16(3), pp.881-901.
10. Shalini, S.S. and Joseph, K., 2018. Combined SHARON and ANAMMOX processes for ammoniacal nitrogen stabilisation in landfill bioreactors. Bioresource technology, 250, pp.723-732.
11. Manonmani, U. and Joseph, K., 2018. Research advances and challenges in anammox immobilization for autotrophic nitrogen removal. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 93(9), pp.2486-2497.
12. Raman, C.D. and Kanmani, S., 2018. Epigallocatechin gallate supported iron particles on dye decolorization and textile wastewater treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment, 113, pp.288-295.
13. Murugan, G.S., Aram, I.A., Amal Raj, S., Nambi, A.A. and Anabel, N.J., 2018. Mobile extension in enhancing the livelihood of farmers in India. International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP), 9(1), pp.48-58.
14. Pournan Letchoumanane, Ayyaru Sivasankaran, Ayyaru Sivasankaran, and Amal Raj, S. A membrane layered air-cathode using cationic polymer materials for increased power generation in microbial fuel cells. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2018, 327-334.
List of Publications in the year 2017
1. Radha, M. and Kanmani, S., 2017. Evaluation of paper recycling industry wastewater treatment and simultaneous bioelectricity generation in a microbial fuel cell. Desalination and Water Treatment, 62, pp.161-167.
2. Odukkathil, G. and Vasudevan, N., Complete Mineralization of Endosulfan Isomers By A Biosurfactant Producing Bacterial Consortium.
3. Radha, M. and Kanmani, S., 2017. Performance of cathode catalysts for bio-electricity from paper recycling, wastewater-fed, microbial fuel cells. Current Science, pp.468-473.
4. Annamalai, J. and Vasudevan, N., 2017. Determination of effect of pH and storage temperature on leaching of phthalate esters from plastic containers by ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid micro-extraction. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 11(4), pp.2222-2232.
5. Vasudevan, N., Raj, M.P., 2017. Reuse of textile and tannery sludge in concrete fine aggregates. International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, 4(7): 217 – 220.
6. Murugan, K. and Vasudevan, N., 2017. Spatial variance of POPs and heavy metals in transformer oil-contaminated soil around Tamil Nadu. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189(10), pp.1-22.
7. Usharani, B. and Vasudevan, N., 2017. Root exudates of Cyperus alternifolius in partial hydroponic condition under heavy metal stress. Pharmacognosy research, 9(3), p.294.
8. Manimekalai, B., Joseph, K. Energy balance assessment of municipal solid waste to energy facility. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2017, 23:116 – 122.
9. Uma Maheswari, A. and Palanivelu, K., 2017. Alkyl amine and vegetable oil mixture—a viable candidate for CO2 capture and utilization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(6), pp.5733-5745.
10. Maheswari, A.U. and Palanivelu, K., 2017. Carbon dioxide capture by facilitated transport membranes: a review. International Journal of Global Warming, 12(1), pp.1-49.
11. Maheswari, A.U. and Palanivelu, K., 2017. Separation of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases using novel composite membranes. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 95(1), pp.57-67.
12. Divya, M. and Kanmani, S., 2017. Leachability and Physical Stability of Solidified and Stabilized Sludge from Dye Effluent Treatment. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 76 (12): 795-799.
13. Preethi, V. and Kanmani, S., 2017. Performance of gas-phase photocatalytic reactors on hydrogen production. international journal of hydrogen energy, 42(14), pp.8997-9002.
List of Publications in the year 2016
1. Arivukkodi, G., Kanmani, S. and Gomathinayagam, S., 2016. Wind turbine noise–a pilot study in India. Current Science, pp.492-499.
2. Raman, C.D. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Textile dye degradation using nano zero valent iron: a review. Journal of Environmental Management, 177, pp.341-355.
3. Preethi, V. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Optimization of operating parameters for gas-phase photocatalytic splitting of H2S by novel vermiculate packed tubular reactor. Journal of Environmental Management, 181, pp.674-680.
4. Renuka, R., Mohan, S.M., Sowmiya, B. and Amal Raj, S., 2016. Performance evaluation of panelled anaerobic baffle-cum-filter reactor in treating municipal wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 97, pp.1-12.
5. Rani, C.N. and Karthikeyan, S., 2016. Endocrine disrupting compounds in water and wastewater and their treatment options-a review. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 19(5-6), pp.392-431.
6. Odukkathil, G. and Vasudevan, N., 2016. Residues of endosulfan in surface and subsurface agricultural soil and its bioremediation. Journal of environmental management, 165, pp.72-80.
7. Usharani, B. and Vasudevan, N., 2016. Eco-friendly approach for leaching out heavy metals from sewage sludge. Chemistry and Ecology, 32(6), pp.507-519.
8. Usharani, B. and Vasudevan, N., 2016. Impact of heavy metal toxicity and constructed wetland system as a tool in remediation. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 71(2), pp.102-110.
9. Kavitha, V. and Palanivelu, K., 2016. Degradation of phenol and trichlorophenol by heterogeneous photo-Fenton process using Granular Ferric Hydroxide®: comparison with homogeneous system. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 13(3), pp.927-936.
10. Sunantha, G. and Vasudevan, N., 2016. Assessment of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctane sulfonate in surface water-Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109(1), pp.612-618.
11. Shriram, B. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Treatment of textile dyeing wastewater using ozone based advanced oxidation processes in a pilot-scale reactor. Indian J. Environ. Protect, 36, pp.529-40.
12. Preethi, V. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Performance of four various shapes of photocatalytic reactors with respect to hydrogen and sulphur recovery from sulphide containing wastestreams. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, pp.1218-1226.
13. Ruban, P. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Concurrent hydrogen production and hydrogen sulfide decomposition by solar photocatalysis. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water, 44(8), pp.1023-1035.
14. Adishkumar, S., Kanmani, S., Rajesh Banu, J. and Tae Yeom, I., 2016. Evaluation of bench-scale solar photocatalytic reactors for degradation of phenolic wastewaters. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(36), pp.16862-16870.
15. Rajendiran.S., Shriram.B., Kanmani, S. Photocatalytic-Ozonation of Textile Dyeing Waste water using Fixed Catalyst System. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, 3 (3):107-112.
16. Renuka, R., Mariraj Mohan, S. and Amal Raj, S., 2016. Hydrodynamic behaviour and its effects on the treatment performance of panelled anaerobic baffle-cum filter reactor. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 13(1), pp.307-318.
17. Renuka, R., Mohan, S.M., Sowmiya, B. and Amal Raj, S., 2016. Performance evaluation of panelled anaerobic baffle-cum-filter reactor in treating municipal wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 97, pp.1-12.
18. Sowmiya, B., Amal Raj, S., 2016. Application of self organizing maps on environmental engineering - a review. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, 6(4).
List of Publications in the year 2016
1. Preethi, V. and Kanmani, S., 2017. Performance of gas-phase photocatalytic reactors on hydrogen production. international journal of hydrogen energy, 42(14), pp.8997-9002.
2. Arivukkodi, G., Kanmani, S. and Gomathinayagam, S., 2016. Wind turbine noise–a pilot study in India. Current Science, pp.492-499.
3. Raman, C.D. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Textile dye degradation using nano zero valent iron: a review. Journal of Environmental Management, 177, pp.341-355.
4. Rajendiran, S. and Kanmani, S., 2015. Treatment of Simulated Textile Dyeing Wastewaters Using Avanced Oxidation Processes—A Bench-Scale Study. Materials Focus, 4(4), pp.277-282.
5. Odukkathil, G. and Vasudevan, N., 2016. Residues of endosulfan in surface and subsurface agricultural soil and its bioremediation. Journal of environmental management, 165, pp.72-80.
6. Usharani, B. and Vasudevan, N., 2016. Eco-friendly approach for leaching out heavy metals from sewage sludge. Chemistry and Ecology, 32(6), pp.507-519.
7. Kavitha, V. and Palanivelu, K., 2016. Degradation of phenol and trichlorophenol by heterogeneous photo-Fenton process using Granular Ferric Hydroxide®: comparison with homogeneous system. International journal of environmental science and technology, 13(3), pp.927-936.
8. Uma Maheswari, A. and Palanivelu, K., 2015. Carbon dioxide capture and utilization by alkanolamines in deep eutectic solvent medium. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(45), pp.11383-11392.
9. Sunantha, G. and Vasudevan, N., 2016. Assessment of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctane sulfonate in surface water-Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109(1), pp.612-618.
10. Shriram, B. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Treatment of textile dyeing wastewater using ozone based advanced oxidation processes in a pilot-scale reactor. Indian J. Environ. Protect, 36, pp.529-40.
11. Preethi, V. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Performance of four various shapes of photocatalytic reactors with respect to hydrogen and sulphur recovery from sulphide containing wastestreams. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, pp.1218-1226.
12. Ruban, P. and Kanmani, S., 2016. Concurrent hydrogen production and hydrogen sulfide decomposition by solar photocatalysis. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water, 44(8), pp.1023-1035.
13. Adishkumar, S., Kanmani, S., Rajesh Banu, J. and Tae Yeom, I., 2016. Evaluation of bench-scale solar photocatalytic reactors for degradation of phenolic wastewaters. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(36), pp.16862-16870.
14. Rajendiran.S., Shriram.B., Kanmani, S. Photocatalytic-Ozonation of Textile Dyeing Waste water using Fixed Catalyst System. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, 3 (3):107-112.
15. Renuka, R., Mariraj Mohan, S. and Amal Raj, S., 2016. Hydrodynamic behaviour and its effects on the treatment performance of panelled anaerobic baffle-cum filter reactor. International journal of environmental science and technology, 13(1), pp.307-318.
16. Renuka, R., Mohan, S.M., Sowmiya, B. and Amal Raj, S., 2016. Performance evaluation of panelled anaerobic baffle-cum-filter reactor in treating municipal wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 97, pp.1-12.
17. Sowmiya, B., Amal Raj, S., 2016. Application of self organizing maps on environmental engineering - a review. International journal of soft computing and engineering, 6(4).
List of Publications in the year 2015
1. Gunasekaran, R., Kanmani, S., 2015. Performance of wet air oxidation in degradation of cod in pulp and paper industry black liquor. Ecology, Environment and conservation, 21:1311 –1316.
2. Rajendiran, S. and Kanmani, S., 2015. Treatment of Simulated Textile Dyeing Wastewaters Using Avanced Oxidation Processes—A Bench-Scale Study. Materials Focus, 4(4), pp.277-282.
3. Annamalai, J. and Vasudevan, N., 2015. Endocrine disrupting chemicals in the atmosphere: Their effects on humans and wildlife. Environment international, 76, pp.78-97.
4. Odukkathil, G. and Vasudevan, N., 2015. Biodegradation of endosulfan isomers and its metabolite endosulfate by two biosurfactant producing bacterial strains of Bordetella petrii. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 50(2), pp.81-89.
5. Ganesan, J. and Vasudevan, N., 2015. Performance Evaluation of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in Multistoried Buildings. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 14(4), p.891.
6. Veenagayathri, K. and Vasudevan, N., 2015. Degradation of dual phenolics by a moderately halophilic bacterial consortium and its degradation products. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci, 4, pp.1083-1095.
7. Krishnaswamy, V.G. and Vasudevan, N., 2015. Degradation of chlorophenolic compounds by a moderately halotolerant bacterial consortium isolated from saline environment. International Journal of Bioassays, 4, pp.4102-08.
8. Ganesan, S. and Vasudevan, N., 2015. Impacts of perfluorinated compounds on human health. Bull Environ Pharmacol Life Sci, 4(7), pp.183-91.
9. Rathinasamy, K. and Joseph, K., 2015. Inhibition of accumulation of crude petroleum storage tank bottom sludge by using polymer dispersants. Petroleum Science and Technology, 33(2), pp.178-185.
10. Shanthi, B. and Palanivelu, K., 2015. Conversion of carbon dioxide to resorcylic acid under ultrasonication by Kolbe–Schmitt reaction. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 27, pp.268-276.
11. Uma Maheswari, A. and Palanivelu, K., 2015. Carbon dioxide capture and utilization by alkanolamines in deep eutectic solvent medium. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(45), pp.11383-11392.
12. Kavitha, V. and Palanivelu, K., 2015. Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of arsenic in sediment, flyash and water samples. Int. J. ChemTech Res., 7(5), pp.2333-2340.
13. Lalith Kumar, B., Bhoopathy, B.G., Siddharthan, A. and Kanmani, S., 2015. Investigation of Photo-Catalytic Activity of TiO2-Graphene Composite in Hydrogen Production by Method of Water Splitting. International Journal of ChemTech Research, 8(2), pp.424-429.