Analytical Laboratory
Analytical Laboratory has been modernized to International standards for housing the state of the art in operation and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment plants. The laboratory consists of a Wet Chemistry Laboratory and an Instrumentation Laboratory. The Instrumentation Laboratory houses sophisticated instruments for the analysis of water, wastewater, air and soil samples for its physical and chemical parameters including heavy metals. Major instruments available are BOD Analyzer, Mercury Analyzer, Flame Photometer, Gas Chromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, UV Visible Spectrophotometer and TOC Analyzer. The lab is fully equipped with sufficient equipments which are required for conducting practical classes for B.E. Civil Engineering, M.E Environmental Engineering and M.E Environmental Management programmes. Major equipments are also utilized by research scholars and PG students for their project work.

Microbiology Laboratory
The Environmental Microbiology Laboratory upgraded with special assistance from the University Grants Commission has been modernized under GTZ Project. The fully air-conditioned Laboratory is well equipped for analysis of water, sewage, industrial wastes, soil and air samples for microbiological components and for conducting research at UG, PG and PhD levels. Some of the equipments available in the laboratory include Phase Contract Microscope, Stereo Microscope, Projection Microscope, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Deep Freezer, Laminar Flow Chamber, BOD Analyzer, PCR unit, Gas Chromatography, etc.

Unit Operations and Processes Engineering Laboratory
The Unit Operations and Processes Engineering Laboratory houses field sampling equipments and other equipments like Digital UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometer, Orbital Incubator/ Rotary Shakers, Hot Air Oven, Muffle Furnace, COD Digester, Jar Test Apparatus, High Speed Centrifuge, Sieve Shaker, Water Bath, Autoclave, Distillation Unit and Deep Freezer.

Air and Noise Quality Monitoring Laboratory
Air and Noise Quality Monitoring Laboratory houses instruments for stack monitoring and ambient air quality monitoring for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx and VOC. The instruments available are Respirable Dust Sampler, Fine Particulate Sampler, Stack Monitoring Kit, VOC and CO Analyzers, Haz Dust Analyzer, Sound Level Meter and Multiple Flue Gas Analyzer. Apart from regular class demonstration of exercises, the laboratory is used by PG students and Research scholars for their research works. The instruments are also utilized for consultancy works pertaining to emission, ambient air and noise quality monitoring.

Research Laboratory
The Research Laboratory houses state of the art equipment and lab scale reactors. The Laboratory is established to provide workspace for keeping lab-scale reactors which are used for the project work of PG students and Research scholars. At present, the laboratory houses equipment like sophisticated Bioreactors, BOD Analyzer, Ozonator, Centrifuge and other routine instruments used for research work.

Project Laboratory
The Project Laboratory has been designated to carry out extramural research and consultancy projects. A wide variety of analytical facilities are available for the physical and chemical analysis of water, domestic and industrial wastewaters and sludge samples. The instrumental facility available in the laboratory include BOD Incubator, COD Digester, Muffle Furnace, Hot air oven, Refrigerator, UV Visible Double Beam Spectrophotometer, AOX Analyzer, UV reactor, Lab-scale Photo Reactors and Bioreactors.